Civil Society Support Room
The Civil Society Support Room (CSSR) was established in January 2016 by the Office of the Special Envoy for Syria as a platform to ensure an inclusive political process by consulting with and engaging a broad and diverse range of civil society actors. Through the CSSR, civil society actors can meet, interact and exchange insights and ideas among themselves, with the Office of the Special Envoy, relevant UN actors, as well as international stakeholders.
UN experience and best practices in mediation processes clearly suggest that peace agreements are more sustainable if women and civil society are adequately and meaningfully included in the political and mediation process. The UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir O. Pedersen has repeatedly engaged civil society actors and continues to do so as part of his strategic priorities and his approach to the mediation process.
The CSSR is supported by Switzerland, Norway, the European Union and Sweden. From its inception in 2016 until November 2023, the Civil Society Support Room (CSSR) was jointly implemented with the Swiss Peace Foundation (Swisspeace) and Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution (NOREF), two organisations with long-standing expertise on peacebuilding and process support, among others. From November 2023 onwards, the CSSR will be implemented with Swisspeace only.
To contact the CSSR team, please write to: sends e-mail)