
You will have heard that I emphasized (to the Security Council) that if the current crisis continues like it is now, it will not, you know, we are not seeing a status quo, we are seeing a worsening of the situation, and the situation in Syria now is the worst ever.

30 May 2024

I condemn the attack on the diplomatic premises of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus on 1 April. The principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases in accordance with international law.

02 Apr 2024

The United Nations Deputy Special Envoy for Syria Ms. Najat Rochdi is pleased to announce that 15 Syrian women have agreed to join the Syrian Women’s Advisory Board (WAB) as new members.

26 Mar 2024

As you all know, the situation in Syria now is extremely difficult, and I think all indicators are pointing in the wrong direction when it comes to security, when it comes to the economy and when it comes to the political process.

17 Mar 2024

This solemn anniversary of the conflict is tragically marked by heightened regional tensions and concerning developments throughout Syria, as it enters its fourteenth year without a political solution in sight.

15 Mar 2024

A year ago, thousands of Syrians in Syria and Türkiye perished after devastating earthquakes, and millions fled their destroyed homes.

06 Feb 2024

I am gravely concerned by the escalating violence in Syria today.

05 Oct 2023

It has come to my attention that there has been an offering to draft applications for membership to the Syrian Women’s Advisory Board (WAB) along with offers to lobby on behalf of interested candidates in return for monetary payment.

09 Aug 2023

Adopted on 18 December 2015, United Nations Security Council 2254 (2015) encourages the meaningful participation of women in the UN-facilitated political process for Syria.

31 Jul 2023
