
I strongly condemn the attack on Al-Shifaa hospital in Afrin city in northern Syria, which resulted in the killing and injuring of civilians, including medical personnel, and the destruction of parts of the hospital.

14 Jun 2021

Let me start by thanking my friend the High Representative of the EU and Vice-President of the Commission, Mr.

30 Mar 2021

As you know I just concluded my briefing to the Security Council, and this of course, is for all of us, a very special day – it is ten years since the beginning of the Syrian tragedy.  And as I told the

15 Mar 2021

Thank you, Jenifer. As you may know, this was a briefing I gave in so-called close consultations after the decision by the Security Council itself. As always, I was heartened by the fact that all members of the Council gave what I would call a strong support to the work of me and my team when it

09 Feb 2021

Thank you so much Jenifer and good to see you all. And also good afternoon or good morning to all of those of you I cannot see.

29 Jan 2021

Let me start by thanking you all for joining us today, even though most of you are joining us virtually. And let me thank you all for cooperating with the COVID-19 restrictions that are in place. It goes without saying that obviously I h

22 Jan 2021

Good afternoon, good to see you, I hope you are doing well.  As Jenifer just said, we have concluded the fourth session of the drafting body of the Constitutional Committee. During the week, we have, or they ha

04 Dec 2020
