Transcript of Press Stakeout of United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Mr. Geir O. Pedersen on Arrival in Damascus
Let me start by expressing my deepest condolences to the Syrian people. We mourn every single life that has been lost. The earthquake in Turkiye and Syria is one of the biggest humanitarian or natural disasters that we have seen recently. And I think, you know, we all when we see the images, the heartbreaking images, we really feel the suffering. But we're also seeing a lot of heroism, you see, you know, individuals, civilians, humanitarians trying to save lives, and it is this effort that we need to support.
And I can assure you that the UN humanitarian family will do whatever they can to reach out to everyone that needs support. So, we are trying to mobilize whatever support there is. We are reaching out of course to bilateral countries, we are mobilizing funding and we're trying to tell everyone put politics aside this is a time to unite behind a common effort to support the Syrian people.
So, we need all the access we can have, crossline, cross-border and we need more resources. So, I'm in close touch with the UN humanitarian family, we're working together to try to mobilize this support and that of course is my key message during this visit to Syria.
However, my visit was pre-planned, it was planned before the earthquake, but as I said now the focus is on trying to do whatever we can to make sure that we reach out to all the Syrian people.
Are you going to visit the affected areas?
Mr. Pedersen: I will have meetings tomorrow, and I will talk to you then. And then I will get back to more, bit more information and can answer the questions you have.
Thank you very much.