
Good evening. I’m impressed to see all of you here so late. Thank you. We have just concluded a meeting of the Large Body. We had, as you all remember, a very good opening session on Wednesday. I think it was dignified, solemn and that we rose to the historic occasion.

01 Nov 2019

Members of the Constitutional Committee, Co-Chair Kuzbari, Co-Chair al-Bahra, welcome to you all to the United Nations and the Palais des Nations.

30 Oct 2019

Thank you so much Jenifer and good to see you all. Also, to those who have travelled far, good to see you here in Geneva.

Actually, as we are speaking the 150 members of the Constitutional Committee are arriving here in Geneva.

28 Oct 2019

Good morning, as you know I have had discussions in Riyadh with the Opposition SNC, and today I continue those discussions here in Damascus with Foreign Minister Muallem.

16 Oct 2019

At Thursday’s Humanitarian Task Force meeting in Geneva, Senior Humanitarian Adviser Najat Rochdi emphasized the need for protection of civilians in Syria’s northeast and for Member States to ensure that humanitarian needs across Syria are met.

11 Oct 2019

The United Nations is today releasing the agreed Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure for a Syrian-led, Syrian-owned, credible, balanced and inclusive Constitutional Committee to be facilitated by the United Nations in Geneva.

28 Sep 2019

Dear High Representative of the EU and Vice-President of the Commission Frederica Mogherini, Dear Ministers, Excellencies, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is good to see so many good friends here today.

24 Sep 2019

I was last in Damascus in July for consultations with the Government of Syria.

Since then, I have had several rounds of consultations with the opposition Syrian Negotiations Commission.

23 Sep 2019

I was last in Damascus in July for consultations with the Government of Syria.

Since then, I have had several rounds of consultations with the opposition Syrian Negotiations Commission.

23 Sep 2019

Thursday in the International Syria Support Group’s (ISSG) Humanitarian Task Force meeting, Member States were urged to use their influence to support the reduction of violence in northwest Syria, and to increase their support for critical humanitarian needs in Syria.

08 Aug 2019
